Menofia University

New in the treatment of kidney immune inflammation in a seminar at Faculty of medicine, Menofia University.

Department of Media


The kidney Unit ,Department of General Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine , Menoufia University organizes a scientific seminar under the auspices of Dr. Moawad Kholi , the University President ,  Dr. Ahmed Al Kased ,  Dean of the Faculty , and Dr. Ahmed Rbee ,  Head of Department  scientific symposium under the title: "New in the treatment of kidney immune inflammation" discussed through 4 sessions methods of treating kidney infections especially the immune and specially modern methods as well as offer some of Clinical cases that have been treated or under treatment at hospitals of central Delta.

The seminar lectured by professors and specialists from the Faculty of Medicine, at the University and the Centre for kidney treatment at universities of Mansoura  ,  Zagazig and Tanta and the Institute of Kidney at Damanhour, the lecturers noted that the immune kidney disease represent  for 40 to 60% of cases of kidney dialysis and that there are  new researches  divided these patients into groups in terms of changes in tissue and antibodies in the blood of the patient and not to rely on the patient's virtual complaint to describe the appropriate treatment for each case according to the seriousness of the case .

During the seminar the  results of modern medicine and biological drugs in the treatment of kidney infections was reviewed , and the seminar supervised by  , Dr. Ahmed Shokr , professor of kidney disease and professor of internal medicine, and Dr. Mahmoud Koura ,  head of the kidney Unit , Dr. Ahmed Zahran and Dr. Mahmoud Emara .





