Mr. Prof. Dr. Essam Abdel Hafez Boudi, Acting Dean of the College, Mr. Yasser Ghoneim, Director General of the College, and Mr. Sami Badr, Director of the Youth Welfare Department at the College, received new and old students to begin the new academic year with the best wishes for success and excellence.

Mr. Prof. Dr. Essam Abdel Hafez Boudi, Acting Dean of the College, Mr. Yasser Ghoneim, Director General of the College, and Mr. Sami Badr, Director of the Youth Welfare Department at the College, received new and old students to begin the new academic year with the best wishes for success and excellence.

عميد الكلية


قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏شخصين‏، و‏‏أشخاص يبتسمون‏، و‏إضاءة‏‏‏ و‏مِنبر‏‏قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏شخصين‏، و‏مِنبر‏‏ و‏نص‏‏قد تكون صورة ‏‏٥‏ أشخاص‏قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏عداد موقف سيارات‏، و‏شارع‏‏ و‏نص‏‏قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏٣‏ أشخاص‏ و‏نص‏‏





