عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
Comparative effects of some extraction solvents on the antimicrobial activity of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaf, bud, capsule and seed crude extracts | |
Phenolic compounds and antioxidants from Eucalyptus camaldulensis as affected by some extraction conditions, a preparative optimization for GC-MS analysis | |
Acetone-water mixture is a competent solvent to extract phenolics and antioxidants from four organs of Eucalyptus camaldulensis. | |
Comparison among five Eucalyptus species based on their leaf contents of carbohydrates, protein, total and GC/MS phenolic compounds. | |
Ecological and Phytochemical Studies on Nicotiana glauca from Egypt. | |
Identifying the Anti-MERS-CoV and Anti-HcoV-229E Potential Drugs from the Ginkgo biloba Leaves Extract and Its Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
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