
Artificial intelligence and its impact on society in a symposium at Menoufia University for students of course No. “42” military education

Artificial intelligence and its impact on society in a symposium at Menoufia University for students of course No. “42” military education

Media Management


Under the patronage of Dr. Ahmed Farag El-Kased, President of Menoufia University, and under the supervision of Dr. Nasser Abdel-Bari, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, the Department of Military Education, “Command of the Popular and Military Defense Forces,” in cooperation with the University’s College of Artificial Intelligence, organized a symposium on artificial intelligence and its impact on society for students of course No. “42.” Military education.

Dr. Ahmed El-Kased stressed the importance of developing students’ skills, preparing them for the labor market and entrepreneurship, and developing their mental and cultural abilities, noting the need to increase awareness of modern technical developments and rapid developments in artificial intelligence, praising the Armed Forces’ keenness to spread cultural and national awareness among university students, through Cultural seminars and awareness meetings, which shed light on the extent of the efforts made by the state; To achieve comprehensive development in all parts of the country.
Dr. Osama Abdel Raouf, Dean of the College of Artificial Intelligence, lectured at the symposium, where he reviewed to the students the definition of the meaning of artificial intelligence, the role and tasks of artificial intelligence, its applications in various fields of life, especially in the field of education and scientific research, and the available job opportunities.
Colonel Hani Muhammad Mosaddeq, Director of the Military Education Department, explained that the symposium comes in
Within the framework of the Military Education Department’s keenness to transfer experience to students and develop the spirit of loyalty and belonging to the homeland under the wise leadership of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, he also thanked the Dean of the College of Artificial Intelligence.





