Historyof the Faculty of Arts, University of Menoufiya
The Collegeof Arts, University of Menoufiyain Shebin, and the study started by the year 1987 / 1988 م.To support human thought as a cultural beacon province province of Menoufiya -through:
A -Preparation of researchers specializing in languages and literature and thehumanities to community service
Andinterface between Arab culture and foreign cultures 0
B- Participation in community development through research that contribute tothe solution
The problemsof society and participation in development strategies in their respectiveareas
First: the rules of procedure were the Faculty ofArts under the Ministerial Decree No. 864 dated
27/03/2005included the following:
A -consists of the Faculty of Arts University of Menoufiya the following sections:
1 - Arabic 2 - English 3 - French 4 - German
5 - 6 of Oriental Languages - Sociology 7 - History 8 -Geography
9 - Philosophy 11 - Psychology 10 - 12 libraries - media
B - The collegeoffers the following degrees:
Bachelorof Arts degree in one of the disciplines outlined above sections
Masterof Arts in one of the disciplines outlined above sections
Doctoral degree in one of Arts in interdisciplinarydepartments above
The degree of Graduate Diploma in the following disciplines:
Diplomaof Social Development, Diploma in regional planning, population Diploma,Diploma
AppliedPsychology, Diploma in Geographical Information Systems Diploma in Languages
EasternQualifying Diploma libraries, specialized libraries Diploma, Diploma
Journalism,Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies
Second: the list has been modified by MinisterialDecree No. (22) on 8/1/2007with the addition of
OpenEducation to allocate geographic information systems.