Postgraduate examination schedule Schedule of postgraduate examinations for the academic year 2020/2021 1- Schedule of preliminary examinations for postgraduate students (Master - PhD - Diploma) with the credit hour system for the first semester 2021/2020 *Table of supplementary subjects from the undergraduate level for postgraduate students for the first semester of 2020/2021 * Schedule of the written preliminary examination committees for postgraduate students (PhD - Diploma) for the summer semester for the academic year 2020/2021 ______________________________________________________________ Postgraduate exams schedule for the academic year 2022/2021 * Final schedule of the written preparatory exams for postgraduate students for the first semester 2022/2021 Schedule of supplementary subjects * Schedule of the preliminary written examinations for postgraduate students (second semester) for the academic year 2022/2021 * Schedule of written exams for the summer semester of the academic year 2022/2021 ______________________________________________________________ Postgraduate exams schedule for the academic year 2022/2023 * Final schedule of written preliminary exams for postgraduate students for the first semester 2022/2023 and a schedule of supplementary subjects * Schedule of preliminary exams for postgraduate students (Master - PhD - Diploma) for the second semester 2022/2023 and the schedule of supplementary subjects ______________________________________________________ Schedule of postgraduate examinations for universities 2023/2024 Reading exam schedule for the first semester Share